Senin, 29 November 2010

Semiconductor Electronics

Author(s): A. K. Sharma
Publisher: New Age International (p) Limited
Date : 2001
Pages : 274
Format : PDF
Quality :
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 8122408028
ISBN-13 :

The book describes various topics of semiconductor electronics. The subject in this book has been developed in a systematic way maintaining the continuity in the topics. Only semiconductor electronics has been discussed to the exclusion of obsolete tube technology. Stress has been laid on highlighting electronics rather than dwelling upon lengthy mathematics. Only the minimal required mathematics is included. Every chapter is complete in itself so that the student does not need to consult other books for some topic. The presentation of the material in the book is really original and will impress the students and teachers alike. The circuit diagrams are so impressive and illustrative that they stimulate interest in reading the book. Solved and unsolved problems in each chapter are included to make the topics more clear and understandable.


Semiconductor: An Introduction
Semiconductor Junction Diode
Diode Circuits
Transistors, Integrated Circuits, and Their Febrictions
Transistor Biasing Techniques
Two-Port Netowrk Theory and Circuit Models
Small Signal Basic Amplifiers
Multistage Amplifiers
Feedback Amplifiers
Power (Large Signal Low Frequency) Amplifiers
Tuned and Wideand (RF) Amplifiers: Oscillators
Basic Logic Gates
Modulation and Demodulation.

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