Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009

Political Economy of Oil : the case of Azerbaijan

Political Economy of Oil : the case of Azerbaijan by: Afandiyev, Musallim Rauf 84 pgs; P. 2008 

A MA Thesis On one hand, oil is considered to be a blessing. Unfortunately on the other hand it can be a curse. This current study analyzes the role of oil in the political and economic performance of Azerbaijan throughout its independence years. The paper highlights some previous studies and their findings about natural resource curse to show pattern for oil-rich developing countries. Furthermore the study applies these findings to the case of Azerbaijan to examine whether oil has become curse or blessing for the country. Findings of this paper show that the pattern of Azerbaijan is almost the same with those who advocate that oil is a curse for a country; however there are some bright sides of oil. The paper gives main economic indicators of Azerbaijan to be compared with theoretical findings.  

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