Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009

Apples Are Square: Thinking Differently About Leadership

Apples Are Square: Thinking Differently About Leadership Summary:
By Susan Kuczmarski, Thomas D. Kuczmarski
Publisher:   Kaplan Publishing
Number Of Pages:   256
Publication Date:   2007-07-03
ISBN-10 / ASIN:   1419593927
ISBN-13 / EAN:   9781419593925

Product Description: 

Your 7-step prescription for creating a compassionately competitive work culture

For centuries, leaders have been operating within a “control and compete” mindset. But times are changing. More and more, at the helm of successful companies, you’ll find a different sort of leader. Collaborators, not controllers, they are “square apples,” bold men and women who dare to create success by reshaping the workplace in unexpected ways.

In Apples Are Square, innovation consultants and celebrated authors Dr. Susan Smith Kuczmarski and Thomas D. Kuczmarski share with you the secrets of how to become a square apple in your organization. To develop their groundbreaking strategy for success, the authors interviewed dozens of leadership pioneers, including Craig Newmark, founder of craigslist; Mary Ellen Weber, former NASA astronaut; and NFL star Chris Zorich, whose personal story inspired the title of this book. With the tools in Apples Are Square, you’ll be able to take any bruised environment and reshape it into a positive force.

Summary: Love Those Leaders
Rating: 5
If you have ever worked with people who have these gifts it will bring a tear to your eyes. Should you lead others with these talents, thank you. The authors demonstrate the values in their writing. You can do it!

Summary: An exceptional leadership book
Rating: 5
I have read many leadership books that deliver the same theories and conclusions, however, Apples Are Square, was a book I connected with from the very beginning and could easily relate to. It had a very refreshing look at this important subject. I highly recommend this book to people who feel the "inner leader" starting to develop and for those who are in leadership roles that need to make changes to move their company/organization forward in the right direction or to realize, they are indeed, not leaders at all. If you want a book that gives a unique perspective on leadership and can help you become a better leader in your personal life, community and company, I highly recommend this book. Alexander H. Perry

Summary: Shining the light on Leadership
Rating: 5
Everyone who aspires to be come a better leader, whether in business, community affairs, or in other endeavors, should buy this book and read it--several times. All of us will benefit. The authors show that while great leadership is absolutely essential to better organizations, it isn't or needn't be a highly technical matter. They show that great leaders are easy to find if we know where to look and what to look for. And they show how to do that. First, great leaders aren't the rapacious, egocentric, greedy bullies who are too often romanticized in the popular culture. Second, they are all around us--if we only where to look and know what to look for. The formula? Great leaders are service-oriented (toward clients, customers, constituents, colleagues, and emplooyees/subordinates alike, regardless of personal 'status"), collaborative, respectful, honest, and loyal. Where do we find hese individuals? Not in the limelight. They're too busy enabling others to reach their potential. In other words, they are all around us--if we only where to look and know what to look for. 
It's easy to become discouraged about the state of leaders and leadership these days. The Kuczmarskis show us a way up and a way out. 
More good news: where do we find hese individuals? Not in the limelight. They're too busy enabling others to reach their potential. In other words, they are all around us--if we only where to look and know what to look for. 

Summary: Apples Are Square
Rating: 5
After hearing an interview with the Kuczmarski's, I felt that the book might be a very good read. The authors sounded like they had a genuine passion for leadership based on sound values. Our current negative perception of leadership has been generated by the misconduct and unethical behavior so often revealed amongst the leaders of corporate America as well as government officials. We have seen so many examples of what not to do that it is very refreshing to read this book that tells the stories of 25 leaders who showcase new values-based ways to lead. The Kuczmarski's have thoroughly researched their 25 leaders and have given the reader real life examples of the six critical values the authors deem necessary to lead successfully. This book is exremely readable and could very well be used as a reality check on our current negative perception of leadership. The Kuczmarski's have shown that there are good leaders for us to emulate.

Summary: Unique Perspective
Rating: 5
What I liked most about this books is that it breaks away from the stereotypical leadership book. With most books on leadership, once you've read one, you've read them all--they all discuss the same leaders and the same leadership styles. Apples breaks from this mold--the leaders profiled are unique and have fascinating stories to tell, and the leadership paradigm presented is one I really believe makes sense. A refreshingly insightful read.

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